Much like the Owner’s Obsession, I’ve been trying to brew an IPA that I like for a long time. Over the last few years of brewing and drinking a wider variety of craft beer, I’ve realized that I like a lot of other styles, but the IPA is still my favorite. In the end, I found that Mitch Steele’s recipe in Zymurgy Magazine (Nov/Dec 2013 issue) for his Hop Burst IPA was the best. I made a small tweak and substituted Victory instead of the crystal malt, and it’s just like I like it.
From the first time a recipe is brewed, the brewer knows what it should taste like. Tweaks are made to the recipe and it’s rebrewed until it satisfies the brewer. Ideally, we try to nail it early enough to ride the first wave of the style and lead the pack. Good things might come to those who wait, but sometimes we’re just a little late.
Brew Date: February 28, 2015 Kegged On: June 20, 2015 O.G.: 1.053 F.G.: 1.007 ABV: 6%