DME Gravity Make-Up Calculator
DME Make-Up Calculator Have you ever checked your pre-boil gravity and been several points under? Yeah, me too. It happened most recently when I was brewing my All Aboard German Pilsener. My mash was very inefficient, so I needed a DME gravity make-up calculator to help me make up the difference. There are a number…
How to Use YeastCalc
Although using YeastCalc is pretty straightforward, I thought this might be helpful to those of you thinking about making yeast starters.
How to Decant a Yeast Starter
For those of you looking for a video on how to decant a yeast starter, I’ve made another detailed (remember I’m obsessed) video on how to go about it. This video shows how to decant using an Erlenmeyer flask. Steps to Decant a Yeast Starter The starter should be left in the fridge for…
How to Make a Yeast Starter
Although there are many videos on how to make a yeast starter, I wanted to show how I did it. Being obsessed, I give a lot more detail than other folks I’ve seen, which may be of some comfort to homebrewers who are just starting out.
How to Apply Beer Labels Using Milk
Using milk to apply beer labels is a great way to save money and simplify bottle management, today we’re going to show you how to do it while I bottle my Golfer’s Grog Kölsch. Before we get started, it’s a good idea to figure out if using milk is a good choice for you to…
Levels of Boiling Wort – Visual Reference for Homebrewers
Define Rolling Boil The guys from Brew Strong, Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer, have frequently referred to a “vigorous/rolling boil” followed by some descriptors to help clarify what it looks like. I wanted to find a visual of what they were talking about to define rolling boil, but all I could find were images of…
Little Late – India Pale Ale (IPA)
Much like the Owner’s Obsession, I’ve been trying to brew an IPA that I like for a long time. Over the last few years of brewing and drinking a wider variety of craft beer, I’ve realized that I like a lot of other styles, but the IPA is still my favorite. In the end, I…
Mumbling Mild – English Dark Mild Ale
My first English Mild was Nerf Herder from Pizza Port San Clemente. I really enjoyed it even though it was hoppier and bolder than a traditional mild. Without any other point of reference, I was pleasantly surprised when I had Unintelligibility from Noble Ale Works, so I sent an email to the brewer, Evan, and…
Ron Ryely – Bourbon Oaked Rye Brown Ale
A helpful employee at the homebrew shop, Ron, gave me some chocolate rye malt to experiment with. I tossed it into a Loakal Red clone, then aged it on bourbon-soaked oak cubes for 2 weeks. The result is a spicy, hoppy, roasty beer that finished dry. You might even feel some heat from the bourbon…
Creamy Coffee – Coffee Milk Stout
I love coffee in the morning. The smell gets my senses going, and that bitter, roasty flavor comforts me. It’s such a pleasant experience that I wish I could have it in the evening without it keeping me up all night. So I decided to make an espresso milk stout. There’s no law that says…